Thursday, July 3, 2008

Why New Zealand???

It's not just because of Frodo. It's not because of the Flight of the Conchords (although I rather quite enjoy them)It's not even because of Xena the Princess Warrior. It's because New Zealand is an understated, beautiful country that lives in the shadow of his big brother ;)

New Zealand. It has always called to us. The hiking, the mountains, the first bungee jumping site, white water rafting, hot pools, wineries,....need I go on?

We have talked about NZ for years but after I finished backpacking around Europe in 2004 with my sister (and best bud) Michelle, the need for more travel ensued and NZ was the obvious choice for the 2 of us.

About 2 years ago, after I finished my BSN I started saving some money. Just a few bucks every paycheck knowing that in the past this is how I have paid for all my vacations. After 2 years a few bucks sure add up!

So next was for me to get the time off work. I am not a contracted nurse (a travel nurse) like I was so I knew it would be hard for me to get the time off work. I ran a lot of senerios through my crazy ass brain and finally thought I would just have to quit work and find a new position when we got back from our trip. I am very, very fortunate to have such a sought out specialty as a Cardiac ICU nurse with training on all the devices "life" has to offer.

I emailed my manager, thinking I may have to quit work in October (who takes 5 weeks off especially when they have been an employee of 2 years?). My manager was great...she said as long as I am not gone during holiday time (American Thanksgiving, Xmas, NY's) she can grant me this time off.


The clock started ticking........

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