Originally we were thinking of renting motorcycles and touring around New Zealand that way. So last year I went to motorcycle school. Yep I passed. (Sorry Mom and Dad if you are reading this...I forgot to mention that...lol). I bought a beater bike and was trying it out - Seattle is a bit scary on a BIKE!
So as the date grew closer I started searching around for rentals on motorcycles. I was floored when I saw the prices! $100-250 usd per day!!!!! Holy crap! That was just for one bike.....so I looked into buying 2 bikes....the red tape, the red tape. We were both shocked at how expensive motorcycling would be when factoring in all the equipment, tents, the occasional hotel etc.
Back to the drawing board. How about an RV rental? So away I went back to the laptop....what did we do before computers? (side note Bill Gates just retired)
I stumbled upon this website for Kea Campers and we decided to go with this rental van that has a bathroom ~definitely a plus.
So the tickets have been bought....but not without a little story. Yes if you know me....I love to tell stories.
So are you familiar with "Priceline.com's Name your own price?". Priceline, as you know from the Captain Kirk commercials, is a site where you can find fairly good deals on airline tickets etc. I have been shopping around for tickets to New Zealand for ummmmm....lets just say a couple of months. My OCD kicked in and every single day for over a month I would peruse (yes I am not over using the word!) the net in search of the best deal.
Well over the course of 6 months the prices were starting to sky rocket (well at time of post gas is $4.50/gallon) and I was seeing the prices from Seattle to Auckland climb and climb. I thought it best to get serious, so with dates on hand I went to "Name your own price."
Name your own price is a place on Priceline where you sort of barter for your ticket. You are saying to them "Hey man, I'm flexible, so what can you do for me...how about this $$" So away I go wheeling and dealing with Priceline. Previously during my search I found out that I could save several hundreds of dollars if I make 2 separate trips. One from Seattle to Los Angeles and the other from LA to New Zealand.
So there I was punching numbers into the computer, hoping to score an awesome deal. Let's see.....Seattle to Auckland, New Zealand....ahhh how about $1250....yes let's see what Priceline has to say about that!
I waited while Priceline was finding me a deal.............
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Yes I just bought cheap tickets to New Zealand....suckers! Then I scrolled down the page to look at our itenerary......mmmm.....?????
WHAT???? Stoopid me....I plugged in the wrong codes. I just bought f*cking $2600 tickets for Bob and I to fly from Seattle to Los Angeles....via Salt Lake City no less.
WTF?? If my mother was there with me at that moment I'd dare say there would be no soap left in the house. Bob, the ever so attuned husband, went outside to mow the lawn.
I proceeded to call Priceline, keeping my cool I went through 3 people and almost 2 hours on hold with my cordless phone beeping "low battery" before I finally reached someone who could help me fix my error. Thank you Juane where ever you are.
I got a full refund minus 30 bucks for my fubar and currently have tickets from Los Angeles to Auckland....mmmmmm I wonder what deals I can get for Seattle to LA?
It's not just because of Frodo. It's not because of the Flight of the Conchords (although I rather quite enjoy them)It's not even because of Xena the Princess Warrior. It's because New Zealand is an understated, beautiful country that lives in the shadow of his big brother ;)
New Zealand. It has always called to us. The hiking, the mountains, the first bungee jumping site, white water rafting, hot pools, wineries,....need I go on?
We have talked about NZ for years but after I finished backpacking around Europe in 2004 with my sister (and best bud) Michelle, the need for more travel ensued and NZ was the obvious choice for the 2 of us.
About 2 years ago, after I finished my BSN I started saving some money. Just a few bucks every paycheck knowing that in the past this is how I have paid for all my vacations. After 2 years a few bucks sure add up!
So next was for me to get the time off work. I am not a contracted nurse (a travel nurse) like I was so I knew it would be hard for me to get the time off work. I ran a lot of senerios through my crazy ass brain and finally thought I would just have to quit work and find a new position when we got back from our trip. I am very, very fortunate to have such a sought out specialty as a Cardiac ICU nurse with training on all the devices "life" has to offer.
I emailed my manager, thinking I may have to quit work in October (who takes 5 weeks off especially when they have been an employee of 2 years?). My manager was great...she said as long as I am not gone during holiday time (American Thanksgiving, Xmas, NY's) she can grant me this time off.